Sponsorship is the most important service in the Emmaus movement – but what's important – is we do it with excellence.
If you are interested in sponsoring an adult on one of our upcoming Emmaus Walks, one of the first steps you will need to take is to attend one of our sponsorship training sessions.
Our hope through this training is to help make this experience as consistent for you and your pilgrim as possible and to help answer all of the questions you might have about what to anticipate. You can find all of our upcoming sponsorship training sessions listed at the link above.
Visit the link below to learn more about Sponsorship and how we can help you fulfill a commitment to sponsor someone on our next Emmaus Walk!
When it comes to serving, it takes many, many servants to operate just one of our Epiphany Events – so we would be excited to help you find a place to help us serve an Epiphany weekend.
We ask that you faithfully consider praying for our next Epiphany Event by participating in the 72 hour prayer vigil during our weekend together. Visit the link above to get more information about our most important act of service.
The Epiphany community is made up of members from those who have gone before us on the "Walk to Emmaus" as well as those who have experienced a "Chrysalis" or an "Epiphany" weekend.
If you have been through an Epiphany weekend, either as a star or as a member of one of our teams, we invite you to be part of the "Epiphany Ministry of North Carolina" facebook group where we hope you can stay connected and help us promote and support our upcoming Epiphany Events.