Serving on a Chrysalis team

A single Chrysalis Flight takes many teams of people who graciously volunteer their time to serve one of our Chrysalis weekends and you can too! In order to serve, you must have attended a prior Flight or Walk or a similar retreat in the past.

If God is calling you to think about serving on a future Chrysalis Flight, then please consider filling out one of our team applications below.

Our teams are divided into two areas on a Chrysalis weekend

Each of our Flight Teams are listed below. All of our teams operate a Chrysalis weekend according to these different responsibilities:

Table of Servants

People who serve in the conference room at the table of servants are made up of lay directors, spiritual directors and table leaders with at least five of these positions open to youth.


Our music team is usually made up of three or more people who lead singing and worship times in the conference room, in the chapel and at other points throughout the weekend. We always hope to have at least one talented youth person join our music team on every Chrysalis Flight.


As a pillar of background support, logistics is made up of one lead coordinator and two to three additional people who help coordinate the operations of our Chrysalis weekends from behind the scenes; including at least one or two youth as well.


In the kitchen, we always have one lead kitchen coordinator and at least one other adult to assist and provide backup throughout the entire weekend. Those youth who choose to participate in Big House will have opportunities to help in the kitchen throughout a Chrysalis weekend.

What is Big House?

Butterflies who would like to re-live some of their original Chrysalis weekend and spend more time with new Chrysalis friends from past Flights have this great opportunity to join something we call BIG HOUSE! This is an overnight co-ed gathering of young people from Friday to Sunday who all come together to support our Flight teams and explore their spiritual lives even further in the fellowship of qualified spiritual lay leaders.


The early bird fee to attend Big House is $40 and it's due one week before the next Chrysalis Flight. If paid afterward, the cost becomes $45 at the door. This fee covers the cost of food and to provide for the memorable activities that we'll do for our new caterpillars. Space in Big House is limited and in addition to filling out the application below, your spot will be secured on a first-come-first-serve basis after your $40 fee is turned in. You can make your payment anytime between now and the week before our Flight, but in order to secure your spot, please send it in as soon as you can. All checks should be made out to "CCCC" or "Central Carolinas Chrysalis Community" and sent to our address at:

Central Carolinas Chrysalis
Attention: Big House

PO Box 680003
Charlotte NC 28216

Next steps

If you would also like to be part of our next Big House weekend, just fill out our application below. After filling out your application we will send you an email with all the details that you'll need to attend Big House.

Contact information

If you have questions, you can always contact our Big House chairperson

Participant guidelines

  • Big House is only open to butterflies from a prior Chrysalis weekend.
  • We will be together as a group for all meals, whether on or off location.
  • We will arrange safe sleeping quarters that will be designated by gender.
  • Lights out will be set by the adult leaders of Big House.
  • Inappropriate behavior can result in the parents or guardians being contacted.
  • No smoking. Our community does not allow the use of tobacco products or any other substance and we also do not allow any firearms on the weekend accordingly.
  • In order to attend, all participants must fill out an online application (below) prior to attending. After filling out your application, we will email your parents and ask them to fill out our online parental consent form. This form is required in order for you to participate.
  • If any participant needs to leave early or arrive late, we ask that the parent provides this information to our Big House leaders prior to the event by phone or in writing. There will be space provided in the online parental consent form for this information. If under 18, the parent is required to make this request.

Flight team application

Applicant information

This section does not need to be filled out if you are just here to affirm your commitment to the team by submitting an online application.

Emergency contact

Primary contact

*Secondary contact


If you are under the age of 18, you agree that you have permission from your legal parent or guardian to attend and serve on one of our future Chrysalis Flights.

As the person filling out this online application, by placing your full legal name in the box above and by dating this application, you are expressing your commitment to be present at team meetings and serve Christ through Flight team responsibilities in a spirit of cooperation and Christian charity at one of our future Chrysalis Flights.

Thank you! Your Flight team application has been received!

Thanks and we look forward to your opportunity to serve on a Chrysalis weekend.
Fly with Christ!

- The Central Carolinas Chrysalis Board

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Big House application

Applicant information

Parental information

First legal parent / guardian

Second legal parent / guardian

Alternate contact


As a youth (the person filling out this online application), by placing your full legal name in the box above and by dating this application, you are authorizing that you are at least 14 years of age and have permission from your legal parent or guardian to serve Christ through Big House responsibilities in a spirit of cooperation and Christian charity at one of our future Chrysalis Flights.

Thank you! Your Big House application has been received!

We appreciate the time you have taken to fill out your Big House application. Please remember that submitting this application does not guarantee a placement on our next Big House weekend. Upon confirmation that we still have enough space on our next Flight to have you attend Big House, you will receive an email from our Big House chairperson
with all the details that you'll need to know before attending.

Central Carolinas Chrysalis
Attention: Big House

PO Box 680003

Charlotte, NC 28216

We look forward to having you on our next Big House weekend!
Fly with Christ!

- The Central Carolinas Chrysalis Board

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